By helmsm |

Streamlining Hitachi Camera Productions with Ross DashBoard

Published 6/15/2021

In our previous blog, we provided an overview of Ross DashBoard, a free, open app from Ross Video that allows users to setup and control a wide range of equipment remotely from a web browser on a mobile device or computer.

While its designed to control Ross products, such as Carbonite switchers and XPression graphics systems, having Ross equipment in the workflow is not required. This is because DashBoard supports third-party products from dozens of DashBoard partners, such as Hitachi Kokusai Electric America. Our top-of-the-line system cameras and box cameras are among the Hitachi products that can be remotely set-up using DashBoard.

You may be wondering, Why do I need DashBoard if I already have Hitachi remote control panels connected to the camera control units? The answer is, DashBoard is not a replacement for our hardware control panels; its a complementary solution that lets our customers choose the best approach for their production needs.

If workers in a video production control room want to setup or adjust Hitachi system cameras in the adjacent studio, it still makes sense to use a hardware control surface, such as our networkable RU-1500JY connected to the camera control unit (CCU) to adjust them one by one.

But if they prefer a software-based approach, they could do the same setup from DashBoard instead. DashBoard provides a browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) that can be operated using a touchscreen, or a keyboard and mouse. And if they want more advanced control of multiple production devices at once from a single GUI, they could use DashBoard features like PanelBuilder or CustomPanels to configure and simplify more complex operations.

DashBoard is particularly advantageous in certain production instances where Hitachi camera users want greater operational freedom and flexibility, such as:

  • Setting up multiple cameras and devices that are situated throughout a stadium or arena from a single software GUI
  • Accessing geographically dispersed equipment without leaving the production truck
  • Adjusting a cameras settings from front-of-house while checking how it looks on an IMAG display
  • Producing a Remi IP-based video production from a remote location

With respect to Hitachi cameras, DashBoard users can setup and modify the same picture settings and parameters as they would with our hardware control panels. And adjustments to settings such as detail, masking, and knee aperture levels take effect immediately. Bear in mind though that DashBoard only shows the status of your current video picture settings and levels, not on-screen displays of the actual video content.

Visit our Video Gallery to see a tutorial on remote set-up of our system cameras, among other tech tips for more efficient broadcast video production. And for more info and a free download of DashBoard software, visit the Ross Video website.